Friday, March 4, 2016


Welcome to Seasons of Love Boutique! We are dedicated to bringing you the cutest clothes for you and your little ones at reasonable prices. A few disclaimers:
  • Be sure to read the sizing charts posted with the items. Occasionally, you'll find that the sizing is different than what you expect. Avoid getting the wrong size by checking every time!
  • Shipping is a little longer with us than with your normal online store. This is because we have to order it in, wait for it to arrive (which can take anywhere from 2-4 weeks, depending on the retailer) and then package it to ship directly to you. Don't worry, the product is worth the wait!
  • Shipping is a flat fee of $3 for one item, $5.50 for two and $7.50 for 3+ items. Obviously, order more and you'll save more! Just please keep in mind the bullet above about shipping times. 
As we expand, we will start to look for models for some of the products. When that occurs, whomever we choose will receive that particular outfit for FREE in exchange for a quality picture of themselves or their child modeling the outfit. The faster we grow, the fast this can occur, so share, share, share!

Billing is done through PayPal to protect both the seller and the buyer. Please make sure that you have an updated address to mail items to listed so that we can ship it to you without any hiccups in the process.